Prayers please

Nikki • I'm 28, been with my husband over 12.5 years. We have an awesome 8yo son. I miscarried in 2015, due with our rainbow baby Sept 2020! 💕

Hi everyone, my name is Nikki and I'm new here. I just created my account earlier today and I'm really liking this app. As a Christian, I feel that this group will be one of the main groups that I look forward to following and participating in. My husband and I have a beautiful six year old boy that we completely adore, and just over two years ago, we had a miscarriage. I was 10 1/2 weeks at the time. It was very upsetting. I have type A- blood, and my husband has a positive blood type which means that during pregnancy, I have to receive rhogam shots to keep the baby safe. If I don't receive these shots while pregnant and the baby has a positive blood type, my body could sense the baby as a foreign threat and attack it, resulting in miscarriage. I'm not sure why I'm like this, and I worry that this is the reason I had a miscarriage during my last pregnancy. After my miscarriage, I did a lot of research about my blood type and what the consequences of it are during/after pregnancy and miscarriage. Basically if the miscarried baby's positive blood comes into contact with my negative blood, my body forms anti-bodies. That can have an affect on future pregnancies, causing them to result in miscarriage and ruling the rhogam shot pointless if antibodies are already present. I went to three follow up appointments after my miscarriage and asked for blood tests to find out if I had antibodies. Each time, the nurse practitioner said that there were trace amounts of antibodies in my blood but she wanted me to keep coming back for more blood tests. After the 3rd blood test, I felt no need to keep going back, because she kept telling me the same thing and she wasn't providing me any new information or answers to my questions. Knowing now that there are at least a few antibodies in my system, I'm not sure if it's safe for me to become pregnant again. If I become pregnant with a baby who inherits my husband's positive blood type, the pregnancy would likely result in another miscarriage even with a rhogam shot. However, if the baby were to inherit my negative blood type, there shouldn't be any issue at all with me becoming pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby. I know this is a long explanation to get to the point, but my husband and I are now considering trying again to conceive. I would really like to have another child, but I'm so afraid of having another miscarriage. I may even be in the early stages of pregnancy now, but I'm not sure, as I just ovulated last week and I haven't taken a pregnancy test yet. My husband and I have been praying about this and I have been praying about it on my own. I don't really have a place to go where I feel I can talk about this, and apparently my blood type is pretty rare so it's not a common problem among most women, so I hope this is a safe place to share. I would really appreciate prayers that if it is God's will for me to conceive, that it will be a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery, and healthy baby. Thanks so much in advance. I look forward to learning about and praying for everyone else here in the group as well. - Nikki