
So, I’m going to start off by saying, I had a dream about giving birth to a baby boy.

My boyfriend gave our boy a name, “Aiden.”

Well, we took the initiative to go to his mom’s to see if she’d like to see the baby. (In real life we aren’t on good terms, she hates me for no reason & has called me a bimbo many times, even tells her son I’m going to trap him. 🙄 which is hilarious because don’t ya think if I wanted to trap him I would’ve done that over a year ago when we started dating?! Plus that’s messed up. If I happen to get pregnant that’s a different story but no way will I trap him)

Well, anyways...In my dream, she said no, because she hates that the baby came from me. I swear I throat punched her and told her she’ll never see Aiden.

What does this mean, I’m not currently pregnant or trying to get pregnant. 😩

I’m so confused why I dreamt of this. I dreamt of giving birth to a girl before this but nothing else happened in that dream.