Acetaminophen & hydrocodone

Hi mommas! Just wanted to share something interesting that I came across reading through my discharge paperwork. It actually scared me a little because both of these meds were given to me while I was in the hospital recovering from my c-section last Monday. Not one time was I told that these meds are dangerous for my baby even though all the nurses witnessed me breastfeeding my son. In the discharge paperwork it literally say “Can pass onto breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. You should not breast-feed while using these medicines”. I have gone med free with my c-section recovery because personally it’s not worth it to see the effects of these meds in my baby. I am upset that I wasn’t giving the chance to at least pump while in the hospital or told that my milk had the meds in it so that I can make a decision for my self . Please research a bit and ask questions about the meds you are given while recovering .