When do I ask for help

I am almost 2 weeks PP, and I have cried everyday since coming home from the hospital. I have a 2 year old and my newborn. I am exhausted. I feel guilty. I live thousands of miles from my family, and my husband works all the time. His family is very uninvolved. I have no motivation to leave the house or even cook. I just sit and cry, and this makes me feel like a worthless mother--my kids deserve better. My husband deserves better. My fuse is also so short--I lose my temper at the smallest things.

I had PPD and PPA with my first child (2 years ago) and my biggest fear was having it again, which made this surprise pregnancy really hard. I love being a mom but I feel inadequate. I don't know when to call my doctor, as it hasn't even been 2 weeks, and I'm not sure if it's PPD or baby blues. I just feel so alone and ashamed. How do I cope? I feel like the first few months of My firstborn's life are forever clouded by my depression and I fear it's happening again.

Thanks for listening.