Any one tube babies in here? Experience?


I had my HSG yesterday as the last test in the basic fertility assessment we've been doing. I'm 25 and we've been trying for 18 months. Turns out that my left tube is pretty much completely useless and has a large hydrosalpinx, which they immediately just suggested to remove - we'll learn more next week. I was expecting tubal blockage - I just had a feeling - but not the hydrosalpinx. However, I've been dumb and have been doing a bit of reading, and it doesn't seem like the outlook is so great with only one working tube and a hydrosalpinx. Everything else looked pretty normal - normal hormonal levels, 30 antral follicles when they did the vaginal ultrasound and generally normal outcomes, other than for the HSG. My husband did a semen analysis, which we haven't gotten the results from yet. So I just wanted to ask - anyone in here with somewhat similar conditions/situation that would like to share a bit? Have you been pregnant? Carried to term? Lost babies? I'm more terrified of losing a baby than anything else, just knowing that's a very real possibility with a hydrosalpinx - it almost makes me think we shouldn't try at all, just to avoid losing a little one. It's scary!