
One of my freinds is super mad at me and it's a long story but here I go. So u went on a school trip for three days and two of my freinds went to protect privacy the girl is called Abby and the boy Darrell. So the first day we alk went to a hockey game and we are told to keep our tickets for Ice skating in two days. Abby is dead set on going and so is Darrell. Okay so second day my freinds had to go to meetings so I hung out by myself. But I caught up with them to eat lunch where Abby said she didn't want to skate anymore but Darrell said he did. By the way there was two choices either skate or go to a museum about farm equipment. So I was like Darrell and I can go then. So we had to go to a meeting all together and Abby says maybe she does want to skate and by now I was kinda mad about her switching her mind so much. So we go to the hotel room and one of other roommates said the museum was gonna be boring. So Abby said she wanted to skate. Third day comes and it really cold and windy. We have to go to another meeting and then around 1 we go to a second meeting. During the second meeting and the entire day that day Abby kept changing her mind. During the second meeting there where a lot of people and one of the adults was stressing me out because she wasn't on time. I started to get the feeling of a panic attack and Abby had continued to change her mind and I snapped at her later I ended up crying in the bathroom. But one if the older kids came up to us and said "if you want to go to museum let's go" and I asked about skating and he said it was cancelled because snow. (It wasn't cancelled) So I went to museum and had a lot of fun because we got lost. But my freind was so mad at me for going even though I thought it was cancelled and then I have my ticket away because I realised it was a BAD idea going skating in our uniforms we had to wear (we weren't aloud to change) now we're in a break till summer and I'm confused and hurt I apologised for snapping a million times. Darrel was mad but is talking to me Abby refuses to talk to me. On the trip she started dissing a lot if my other friends and it didn't make me feel good . Help?