How to show I’m not interested?

Hi guys. So I talked to this guy a while back and it didn’t end up working out. I didn’t feel and still don’t feel emotionally ready or like I am in a good position in my life to be in a relationship. But this guy still continued to hardcore flirt with me after hanging out and I avoided hanging out with him again. On my recent insta pic he DMed me and said “send me cute snaps pretty baby” and is always super flirty like that and I just think he moves too fast. Anyways here is where I need help. This weekend I am going out to dinner with him, my friend, and a guy my friend is interested in. I am only going because I want my friend to meet the guy she likes - she would be uncomfortable meeting him alone and that is understandable. The reason why the guy that likes me is coming is because he’s friends with the guy my friend likes. So me and him are basically going just to make our friends feel comfortable - at least that’s how I view it. I am scared he thinks this is a double date. I am so nervous that he will be flirty and touchy and I will have to be rude or leave if he makes me feel too uncomfortable. How do I send him cues that I am not interested? I am okay with being friends with him, but I honestly don’t think he is okay with being just friends with me.