Nervous About Sex After Paragard Insertion

So I originally had Nexplanon in my arm, but was noticing that my sex drive had significantly decreased which was bothersome to my bf, so I decided to have it taken out and switched to Paragard, in hopes that the absence of hormones would bring my sex drive back up.

Well it’s been a week today since I had the IUD inserted. The procedure was painful, but the doctor and nurse said I had done really well and I had very little post insertion bleeding and cramps.

We are on vacation and I purposely wanted to have the IUD inserted prior to leaving to make sure we were covered. However, and this might seem strange, I have this fear of having sex. It’s like every time I think about having sex, I remember the pain of the insertion process and my anxiety sky rockets and I’m on the verge of tears and I just can’t imagine having sex. It’s like I have some sort of PTSD from the insertion process due to the pain.

No matter how many times I tell myself, logically, that the pain from the insertion process and sex have nothing to do with each other, I can’t bring myself to even think about going through with it.

I feel broken and guilty that I’m letting my bf down. He says he understands but I know he doesn’t, especially since he said today “maybe you shouldn’t have switched birth control”, which only made me feel worse because I switched birth controls, specifically to help our sex life.

Any advice??

Thanks in advance.