7mo PP please tweak!! Can you see a second line??


So I'd posted a test yesterday that looked pretty freaking positive but I think it was an indent line or something. What I hadn't mentioned was that a second test along with it looked negative and that test only looked positive in certain light. Hubby and I dtd on the 7th, 10th I got ewcm and I'm thinking I ovulated then for the first time since having my son 7.5 months ago. EBF and no periods yet but we're aware it only takes one time for those who pointed that out 🙄 it'd just be crazy timing because of how long it took us to conceive our son and the fact I was likely only 7dpo yesterday!! With that said here's today's tests with fmu. I can't see a thing but would appreciate your eyes and possible tweaks. TIA!!

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