1yo Nursing nonstop


My son is turning one next week. For the past few months we’ve been nursing on a schedule 3x a day and it’s been great. When we reduced from 4x he didn’t even seem to notice. If you asked me a month ago I would have said we could wean whenever because he didn’t even seem to notice if he missed a nursing session. Then, 2 weeks ago he got an ear infection and for the first time in his life started actually asking to nurse. Of course I let my sick baby have as much milk ask he wanted. Now he’s over the infection but still wants to nurse 24/7. If I’m in the room he grabs and claws at my shirt. I’ve started wearing high collar shirts because the scratching is so intense. If I’m not in the room or if I refuse, he cries. I was willing to do this when he was sick, but now I need to get back to my life. We weren’t going to fully wean until August when I go back to work, but with this new milk obsession he’s developed I’m starting to think weaning will be the only way to make this stop. Any advice for getting him off my boob and back on his regular 2-3x a day schedule? How do I say no without causing a meltdown?