Can’t afford fertility specialist anymore.. HELP!


Not sure if I’m posting in the right place but I’m really feeling hopeless right now and I could use some advice. I was going to a fertility specialist but insurance stopped covering our treatments. I have heard comments about “if you can’t afford treatment you can’t afford a child”. Everyone is allowed their opinion but at this point I am looking for positive feedback. Everyone’s story is different and everyone’s situation changes. I have a 2 year old son who we were told we got lucky to have and is the big reason why I cannot drain us completely. Anyways, I was previously using letrizole with trigger shots for 8 cycles and had 1 failed <a href="">IUI</a>. I have PCOS and my husband has a low sperm count with some morphology issues. Does anyone have some options that has worked for them and/or their dh?

Thank you and good luck to everyone!