pissed! (not preg related but gotta vent)


I put my daughter in a brand new shirt that was bought by my grandfather who just passed away a couple of weeks ago. She was drinking milk when I went down the hall to do some laundry and when I came back she had a different sippy cup which is to be used for water only since that kind tends to leak and dribbles when she sucks from it. I thought nothing of it until I went to put her down for nap and her brand new shirt has RED KOOL AID all over it! I was pissed! Who the f*ck gives a toddler RED KOOL AID!? especially in a leaky cup?? I tried to scrub it out but its a light grey shirt and red kool aid does NOT come out. And he acts like I'm the f*cking moron for being upset over a shirt being destroyed.