Early Twin Symptoms?!


Alright twin mamas, I’m coming to YOU for expert advice. I took a pregnancy test at 9 DPO and 7 days before missed period and got a bright pink test. Again a bright pink at 10/6. THEN took a blue test Sunday for 11/5 without using first morning urine (around 11am) and got an instant bright blue plus. Again yesterday same results at 7pm with a blue test!!!!

Since Saturday I’ve had waves of nausea super intense & getting stronger by the day. When I’m not nauseous, I’m insatiably hungry! I’m peeing every 30 minutes, and I swear it’s already uncomfortable to lay on my stomach. AND I HAVENT EVEN MISSED A PERIOD YET.

Twins do run in my family, and I have had one pregnancy (he’s 2 now) and I feel so much more pregnant than I actually am.

Does any of this sound familiar? I’m struggling and it’s hard because it’s nowhere near close enough to being able to announce it. And waiting until the 8 week scan sounds treacherous 😅

Thanks mamas ❤️

If it has to be, hoping for sweet sassy little girls 😏