Going to school with anxiety

I’m attempting to better myself. I’m 21, graduated high school several years ago but never went to school. One of my aunts I used to be really close with has reconnected with me. She says I’m in the same situation she was and wants to help me get out. (Long story, but I need to get out of here and make something of myself.)

I have severe anxiety and social anxiety. That was the biggest reason I didn’t go to school. I didn’t want to have to face people and feel judged. That, and I am horrible at math and was afraid I wouldn’t succeed.

Recently she’s reached out to me, and she wants me to figure out what I want to do but I don’t know.

I’ve asked family and friends what they could see me doing (I know ultimately it’s up to me but I wanted opinions.) they weren’t very helpful. My mom keeps insisting I shouldn’t go to college and I should just work for the government so I get benefits and retire early. My friends have said I should be a teacher but I feel like that’s a lot of social interaction.

I’ve been thinking a bit and have a few ideas in mind...

In a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to work around people because I can never be myself in those situations and I’m just kind of awkward. I’ve never been outgoing. But working with kids or animals, or helping someone out of a situation I was in would be easier.

I’ve thought about online schooling, but I’ve heard they are harder than in-person classes. I’d also have to save up to buy a laptop. And I’ve also heard I’d still have to travel to the school to test... which I feel would be really shitty because I wouldn’t know where the hell to go and feel out of place.

My aunt is trying to be patient with me but she doesn’t have anxiety like me and I feel she doesn’t understand.

Honestly its just a lot for me to comprehend and move forward. It almost feels like so much that I want to give up, and just keep working retail but I don’t want to do that especially with an opportunity like this.

Any help or advice regarding any of this would be appreciated.. wether it be financial aid, anxiety, if you’ve picked any of these career fields and how it turned out, the college process, online schooling, or how you found what you want to do.