3 Days Toll AF / 9 DPO


I'm seriously about to go crazy with this wait trying my hardest not to test and wait until the 22nd at least. I've been having some cramping this morning like AF is about to show , which usually only happens day before AF or day of AF....and I still have a few days left. My breasts have been hurting like craZy since the day I ovulated , which is normal for me, but it's def more painful then usual. My nipples have been swollen too, and are huge especially in the morning, and are tingly all day. Ive had a full week of a whole bunch of something going on down there...cramp, twinge, pull, muscle spasm, abdominal cramp, gas...And last 24 hours I've noticed my heart has been palpitating but maybe it's anxiety? And sleep...forget about it...I've been waking up at 6 am every morning for no apparent reason. Ahhhh how do I get through the next couple if days. Lol