Love, Simon - An aromantics perspective


I am aromantic which means I experience little to no romantic attraction. I hate it and battle with it constantly as I want to be able to feel love in that way (i hope this is something I am wrong about but for now, it is me).

Today I went to see Love, Simon and honestly it made me want to sob my heart out and smile with joy. I am so glad this community I am part of gets some representation. Its long overdue.

I do feel really sad though because I do not have any representation. I feel like all movies are focused on love and romance and I wish I had a character I could see some of myself in.

I see some of myself in this movie. It's the closest one yet. For a romantic movie, there's still so much focus on love for friends and family. It highlights how lonely it can feel sometimes when you are hiding a part of yourself.

But my favourite thing about this movie is the way they talk about Simon's past relationships and experience with love. [potential spoiler ahead]. Leah in this movie, Simons friend, talks about how she just thought he was really picky when it came to love and he went out with a girl, knowing full well it wasn't right for him. These moments struck a chord with me a lot. I got asked out, like a lot, in college and everyone thought I was lesbian or bi or just super picky when it came to partners. I once said yes to a guy, who I literally felt nothing for, because I thought well what if they are right and I am just being picky. Maybe I could force these romantic feelings. But you can't. Not long term. It's wrong and it just hurts.

I for one am all for this new movie. We need to represent this community more because even if we don't fit the exact description of the character, I think everyone can see a part of themselves in these movies.

I don't think this makes a lot of sense but I felt so compelled to jot down some thoughts after seeing this movie. Have you seen it? Thoughts?