I don't want a boy

I am having a really tough time with this. It's my 3rd child and we toge6hace 3 boys I have a bad feeling I'm having a boy and I am literally depressed and angry at the fact that it's most likely another boy. My gender scan is July 2nd but every keeps saying boy and even ramzi suggests boy as well as the gender pee kits...

I know its a terrible thing to even think about...

With my 2nd at the gender scan when she said it was a boy I had to force excitement and a smile and on the inside I was angry and sad I just wanted to cry. I feel it even worse with this baby as it will be our last.

I don't know how to cope with the fact this is probably another boy... No one knows how I feel.. I just tell everyone I'm. Rooting for a girl.. No one knows how devastated I'll be to have yet another boy..