What should I do?


Ok so I broke up with my boyfriend around a year or so ago, and my best friend was super supportive of it, she was even urging me to break up with him. After we broke up she said to me “if you ever see me talking to him it’s just because we both know the pain of having our heart broken” so I say something like “oh that’s fine” and just leave him and her be. Over summer break him and I start talking again, nothing serious I just didn’t want next school year to be awkward because we normally have all of the same classes because our school is rather small. Him and I get really close and after like 4 months of the new school year my best friend texts him saying “ I don’t want you talking to her anymore, I don’t want your heart to be broken again” (I know this because he told me). He said he didn’t want to stop talking to me so we continued talking like normal. (I have all my classes with him and my best friend is in three of those classes we share, one of those classes includes band). We are all in advanced band together, she and I were flutes and he was a trumpet, 6 months into the school year she switches instruments to be a trumpet and she began sitting next to him and talking to him all band class (she knew how to play the trumpet but she was better at the flute).

I should have noticed something before but he “got his phone taken away” because his grades were bad and I noticed something weird while he had his phone taken away, it showed that he was always online on Instagram so I talked to him at school about it and he still said he got it taken away, but I asked my best friend and she said that he talks to her all the time. I kinda got mad at him for lying to me and he spent like 3 days without talking to me, and during those days him and my best friend would hold hands during algebra and talk almost 24/7. After 3 days of him not talking to me I attempted to text him, and I apologized for getting mad at him, he blew me off completely. Now him and my best friend don’t talk to me at all, not even when we are forced to be in a group together. Now I constantly hear about them going to movies together and walking around the mall, but she insists that they aren’t dating because it would be wrong for a best friend to date their friends ex boyfriend...

I’m probably just being overdramatic but I’m wondering if I should cut both of them out of my life all together because this situation is honestly stressing me out... (I appreciate anyone who took the time to read all of that and make sense of it! Even dropping a comment like “cut them out of your life” would be helpful!)

Normally I wouldn’t care about drama like this but it caused me to lose two of my closest friends and I need some help here haha

Me @ them