Two under two!

Amber • Grieving my 4th Miscarriage - 3/11/21 💔 Aubrey Grace was born 9-3-19. 7lbs 9oz. 💗🌈🌈 Gavin Michael was born 8-26-17. 9lbs 3oz. 💙

Anyone else with another little one? My son was born August 26th last year. Our pregnancy was awful, I was sick and puking regularly for the first half. Horrible acne. My depression and anxiety were so bad I had to be medicated. Labor was literal hell - he was 9lbs 3oz at birth and post partum we had mastitis and thrush. I swore when I was in labor I’d never do this again....

Well, baby #2 is due 12/31!!! And I can’t WAIT! You really do forget - Lol! 😂