Mirena question


So I just got Mirena put in April 13. The first day was horrible I bled and cramping was so bad I took 800mg of ibuprofen and that seemed to calm it down. Since then I’ve had some spotting (usually only when I wipe) I’ve been wearing pads but just wasting them since nothing ends up on them. I have these really bad cramps now that last the majority of the day. I feel them more often on just the right side and sometimes sharp pain on my left. I am just wondering what every one else’s experience was with this. I’ve had Mirena before but like 8 years ago I think. I don’t remember having much pain after getting it placed but I bled right away and that lasted for three months. Then after that stopped I didn’t get periods or spotting or cramps or anything. So this time is way different and would just like to know anyone who has had different experiences with it or what your experiences are. I know everyone is different I just want to get an idea of what to expect with the spotting and cramping and such since this time is so much different than the last time.

Also the procedure of getting it placed was different than last time as well. This time my OBGYN gave me a shot that numbed the area (made my heart race like crazy and gave me the shakes. He said it was like an adrenaline rush but felt like a panic attack or heart attack. Just no pain. ) anyway it still hurt getting put in. Last time the doctor (went to a different place to get the first one placed) they gave me 800mg of ibuprofen before they did the procedure. So I do maybe because they did the procedure in different ways is why I am having such a different experience this time. Idk. Maybe I am just going crazy. Anyway any information or stories you ladies would like to share would be appreciated.