Blocked Tubes=Miracle

Jazmine • 2 Angel Babies👼🏾 🎀 9/16/19 & 👼🏾 7/24/24 Still Trying for baby #1 with the love ❤️ of my life 😘🤴🏿

Today was the BEST DAY and the Worst Day at the same time! Back in Oct 2015 I first contacted my RE and had my first HSG test. It showed that I had bilateral blocked Fallopian tubes. I was devastated.

Since then, since I knew that I couldn’t afford <a href="">IVF</a> and my insurance didn’t cover it, I’ve been doing other things to unblock my tubes. I was taking Vitamin D for my PCOS (Since June 2017), Serrpatase (Since Oct 2017), DHEA (Since November 2017), Castor Oil packs (Since Sept 2017) and I did one Yoni Pearl (herbal tampon) back in January 2018.

In March, I found out that since my job changed insurance companies, They now cover <a href="">IVF</a> 100%. I was so excited I called my RE from 2015 right away. Well, she wanted me to do another HSG test to see if anything has changed.

Today was that day! I went in knowing everything that they were going to tell me so I wasn’t very excited. But, after minutes of laying there waiting for them to tell me my tubes were blocked, The doctor was “I don’t know what the last doctor did but BOTH OF YOUR TUBES ARE OPEN!! I started crying so hard!! I couldn’t believe it!!

Right after, I had my Fluid Ultrasound with my RE. I was so hyped to tell her. She was happy too!! But, as we continued with the ultrasound, she found that I have polyps on my uterus. Now I will not be able to go through my <a href="">IVF</a> cycle in May and it has to be pushed back until June. That sucks.

Sorry this was so long.. Hope this puts a little hope in someone’s life.. Baby Dust to everyone 😘✨😘✨