Finally telling my story


I gave birth Jan 29th at 9:24pm but it wasn’t your typical birth. I didn’t have a birth plan I just wanted us to both be healthy and safe. First time mom. Due date was Jan 30th.So this is how it started

I woke up at 3 in the morning to pee and I noticed a lot and I mean a lot of mucus so I figured I’d check for contractions, I was having close contractions but they didn’t last very long and I slept through them. I woke up again around 6-7am and lost more mucus so I timed again and they were more consistent so I went in just to have them check my progress because as of 2 days before hand I was 0 everything nothing showed any sign of being ready. Well they couldn’t see any contractions on the monitor and I only was 1 cm 70 %effaced so they send me home. Probably around 10-12 I noticed they were a bit stronger but still irregular but I went in anyway to check my progress. I was 2cm 80% effaced I didn’t change so they sent me home. Before I left the hospital I puked in the bathroom and didn’t think it was a big deal. Once I got home I couldn’t stop puking and I had a constant pain in my side on top of the contractions(back and thigh labor I didn’t feel anything anywhere else) after hours of puking I finally went back to the hospital I think around 6-8pm and they gave me fluids and some crackers and sent me home I still couldn’t stop puking and I was in so much pain and so sick and out of it I couldn’t even communicate. We didn’t want to go to the ER so we tried to wait until 8am to go to L&D.; I couldn’t stand I couldn’t lay I couldn’t sit but eventually I could get little 10 minute naps(mind you I haven’t slept since 6am the day before) so I took what I could get and we ended up staying home until about 10-11 am when we went to the hospital. When we got out of the car and started heading out of the parking lot I froze. I wasn’t in pain per say I kind of just couldn’t move or talk or think and I got kind of light headed. I remember holding a rail and just saying to my husband over and over “I can’t do this, I can’t do this. They can’t send me home I can’t handle this I don’t know what’s wrong”. So I’m just standing there and a staff member was like hey do you need help and my husband I think was in shock too because he just looked at me like are you okay? Do you want help? So I just shook my head yes to answer that I needed help then I ran the 3 steps to the trash can and started puking again. Security came and wheelchair rd me from there directly to a room where there hooked me up and checked me. Still 2 cm now 90% effaced. Still no contractions on the monitor. I was so scared of peeing because every time I peed is when the pain and puking would start. When I finally went pee and started puking standing up on my way to wash my hands the nurse decided to talk to the doctors because they didn’t know what was wrong and why I wasn’t contracting. They eventually decided that since my blood pressure went up slightly each time they took it that they would diagnose me with mild pre eclampsia and they decided to induce me. As they were moving me to an actual delivery room I was panicking.. I was already suffering so much I was scared of induction because all you hear is how painful it is. I was begging them to just cut him out because I didn’t think I could handle it. They switched my nurses and my new one was just like “girl let me check you first you might be closer than you think and the epidural can be given to you earlier than you think you will be fine I promise, surgery will be worse” so I sucked it up and let her check. Thank god I was at 4 cm almost 5 so they ordered the epidural and the guy was there in like 10 minutes and all of my nausea was gone as soon as I got it. My water broke as I sat up when he finished putting it in. The doctors came in shortly after and put in an internal monitor so they could read my contractions because obviously I’m having them they just weren’t showing up on the monitor. I ended up progressing on my own to about 8cm 100% effaced by about6:45pm, but because of the pre eclampsia they were giving me magnesium which slowed my labor. They eventually started the pitocin and I started moving along again. The nurse wanted to do practice pushed because most women don’t feel enough to push when the time comes. After 3 “practice” pushes she made me stop because the baby was coming and she needed the doctor. I had to sit through 2 contractions without being able to push I had to fight every ounce of my body. By the time the 3rd came the doctor barely got his gloves on and the bed barely got switched before my baby just shot out of me. Everyone made the dorito commercial jokes. But he pooped and swallowed some as he came out so they had to cut the cord quick and take him to clean his lungs(they never left the room though). And I tore in 4 places 2 3rd degree tears and 2 2nd degree tears so they spent about 35 minutes giving me stitches. But at the end of the day I had a beautiful 6 pound 1.5 oz baby boy who was so worth it all. He is now almost 3 months old and has grown so much.