Pumping to keep up supply

Anam • PCOS, Baby Rayaan Feb 2018❤🌞, EC since birth, BLW

LO is 10 weeks now and suddenly he refuses to nurse I'm pretty sure its my supply since he latches fine and nurses for a few minutes and starts screaming. Usually in the morning he might get a full feeding since he sleeps through the night and my breasts are full. I try both sides but I've been supplementing with formula 4-5oz after offering my breasts.

I have a manual lansinoh pump, I only get 1oz maybe 2oz if I pump and manuallly express for an hour sometimes I can barely get any out.. I'm not sure if this is normal or if my manual just isn't cutting it for the job. I've called the Dr and basically they would just let me go straight to formula. Lac consultant says to oump constantly or power pump which I try to but the manual is pretty difficult to juggle/labor intensive/untimely. I have PCOS so lac consultant didn't think ibwould hve luck producing milk at all in the beginning! So I feel blessed but ibreally want to take this journey all the way.

Also Dr won't write a script for a pump this late, so do you think buying an electric out of pocket would benefit me or am I holding on to false hope? Maybe I'm wrong about why LO is refusing to nurse?

Thanks for reading