Vent/Rant - Formula Feeding

Vent/rant - this is not meant to fuel a debate. I am part of another parenting group and someone posted that a newborn has zero reason to be on formula. Some people choose to formula feed from the start, which is fine. But, there are some women out there who had no choice. My daughter was born at 37 weeks weighing 4lbs, 9oz. She had jaundice, low glucose, and suffered from a severe growth restriction. The growth restriction was either from my hypertension (which led to severe pre-eclampsia) or her having a 2 vessel cord, or perhaps a combination of both, who knows. As soon as she was born, the nurses have her formula to help with her jaundice and low blood sugar. Once out of recovery I began nursing.  I nursed, bottle fed formula, then pumped for 8 weeks round the clock waiting for my milk to come in. It never did. I tried everything. I would pump every 2 hours using a hospital grade pump and would only be able to obtain 2oz through the course of the day!  I did not "choose" to formula feed my baby. It was not my intention. However, it is my reality. I do not regret choosing to feed my baby.  End rant.