Not going to be a lucky 1st month girl

Elisa • TTC baby #2! 🤞🏼 33, married, 1 baby 🩵 via IVF after 5 years infertility!

So I knew the chances where slim for me this month. It’s our first month ttc and first month off bc. But my husband was still optimistic because many of our friends conceived pretty quickly.

I’m not officially out until af shows, I know. But, I’ve been testing everyday this week and I’m now 11 dpo and not even a hint of a faint line.

If I stay regular from bc, I’m due for af on Sunday or Monday. I was always regular before bc, but that was almost 10 years ago.

I know it’s just my first month and I probably have a long road ahead, but I’m still kinda bummed.