Sex/friendship problems


Ok so one of close friends is 15 and her boyfriend is 16. She been together with him for a month and has already had sex with him mutual times. Not to long after this happened she started acting weird. Me and a guy friend who is also friends with her and is close friends with her boyfriend are worried. They spend a lot of time together and that’s not bad but they legit can’t keep their hands of each other at school and in public and is becomes awkward when walking around with them. At this point in time she barely talks to me or hangs out with me because she is always with him. When she’s not with him and she is just walking around with me she ends up pulling her phone out and starts texting him. Me and my guy friend have talked to her about it but she just gets angry with us and ignores us. She then comes to me complaining about when he plans stuff with her and she can’t do it because he is used to her being there all the time and ends up throwing a big fit about it. Its become very unhealthy in my opinion. What should I do