Did I do my Ovidrel right?!


This is my 2nd month using Clomid and first month with Ovidrel trigger shot. I went in for an US on day 12. I had a mature follicle on both ovaries! One was 17mm and the other 18. The doctor prescribed me Ovidrel and told me to take it day 14 in the evening. On day 13 I had EWCM and a near positive OPK. Hubby and I BD’d. I got a very positive OPK the next morning but didn’t have my shot yet. I called the doctor to ask whether I should take my shot even though I had a natural LH surge and they said I didn’t have to take the shot but if I was surging and did have the shot they would recommend going ahead and triggering to help with the process. I took an OPK that evening(Day 14) and it was still positive just not as bright(I hadn’t held my pee very long). I didn’t get home until 9 yesterday evening and my husband and I decided I should take the shot because we didn’t want to question whether I should have if I don’t get pregnant this month. Did I make the right decision by taking it or did I totally waste the shot and my money? I should also add that my BBT has not risen yet as it always does after ovulation.