Round 2 of letrozole


Ok ladies so today was my last day of my period. Last month we thought we nailed it an was gonna be pregnant I had lil signs here and there but AF presented herself late Sunday night. I was very discouraged because I was put on letrozole and went for two ultrasounds to see how the pills made out and all looked well the doctor said my eggs matured with the pills and that I had a good chance of getting pregnant. I used the clearblue advanced with the smiley face got a solid smiley face the 29th last month and we BD everyday last month I just don’t understand why and how I couldn’t have gotten pregnant. But this is my second go around with letrozole tomorrow is my last day of taking the pills for this cycle so I’m hoping we get lucky this go around. It’s very frustrating and another job in its self to make a baby smfh. But I’m not giving up I’m gonna give him his baby. Any other suggestions on trying to get pregnant faster this month?