6 weeks 2 days bleeding


Last month this happened at the same time and I miscarried. I’ve spotted here and there this time but it would stop in a matter of using the toilet twice and only when I wiped. I’ve had really bad gas pains the past few days and it hurt to even try to pass any of it and yesterday there was cramping because of it. When i tried to relieve it some I found that I started to bleed and I thought it was because I had forced the air out. It stopped almost immediately after dropping a little on my underwear when I went to pick up my 15 year old. Then this morning at 5 am I felt blood coming out and I ran to the bathroom thinking maybe I was nuts, but no red blood with no clots. It’s been on and off all day and only when I wipe. I called the doctors office because I have to get my rhogam shot regardless now as I’ve started to bleed and cramping has been going on all day on my right side. I had one very healthy pregnancy to which she is now 15 years old and last month was my first miscarriage after only recently remarrying. It looks like I may be facing a 2nd miscarriage. Tomorrow afternoon is my appt and I’m just devastated this has happened again.