Another Quick Labor


I was due the 27th but yesterday had a appointment and was told I was 3cm dilated and 70% but I felt fine so I went home about a hour later had some contractions they weren’t unbearable but pretty consistent so I went to the hospital expecting to probably be sent back home but they admitted me because 1 year ago I had my son and went from 2cm dilated to 10 in 45 minutes with no time to get a epidural so they didn’t wanna take a chance on that happening again the nurse asked me to walk around for a bit So I Did about 30 minutes into my walk I began to get intense contractions I called for the nurse to please get me a epidural it seem like she took forever to come back my contractions felt so close like I wasn’t getting any break when she checked me she said I was 8 cm dilated so I jumped from 3 to 8 cm in a matter of a hour she said she was going to try to get the epidural in me but as soon as she turned around to get the epidural supply’s ready I had a intense urge to push and she said no time for a epidural within 30 second I went from 8 to 10 cm I pushed for about -10 minutes and my 6lb 1 ounce baby girl was born