Two sacs maybe one baby


Did anyone have one twin with no heartbeat and a smaller sac at your first ultrasound? I’m supposed to be 6w 3d but both sacs measured small and only one had a baby in it. They had a hard time seeing anything because my uterus is tilted back. My doctor didn’t even know what to make of the scan since

the dates were all over the place. I lost one twin during my last pregnancy but they both had heart beats by this point. I just don’t want to go through this whole thing again.

Baby A had a heartbeat so faint she couldn’t get a read. Sac measured 6w 3d. Baby measured 5w 3d. It took her forever to even find the baby or the faint flicker.

Baby B was just a sac and that measured 4w 5d. She had trouble getting pictures of that one at all.