i miss him so much😞

So I was in the hospital at a pain rehabilitation center when I met a boy my age there. When we first met I wanted NOTHING to do with him. He was still very nice to me though. We went to one of our psychology appointment together and we had to tell the psychologist what we thought of each other. I said that he was loud and the boy who I was rude to said I was nice. So by week two we became friends. and my mom became friends with his mom. She told me on week 2 that he was leaving early but I convinced his mom that the program was working (which it was) so he could stay. I then left the hospital to stay at the Ronald McDonald House where he was staying. By week three of being there we would sit together at lunch and watch Vines and we would do our homework together. I knew he liked me because he would always try to hold my hand in the hallway. I liked him to but I wanted to seem cool and not show it. Every night we would play foosball and eat dinner together. We would play games and just run around the Ronald McDonald House. We went to Cavilers games. And we got to go down on the court at half time together! He was jealous when I would play on my other friend let call him Matt's team when we were playing foosball. We had. nicknames for each other and he told me the only person he would miss was me. But we never traded phone numbers. After we both went home (he lives 10 hours away) our parents kept talking my mom gave his my mom my number and he was gonna text me. I was like OH MY LORD HE WANTED TO. TEXT. going on three months and he

has not texted me. I miss him so much I have only known him a short amount of time but in those 3 weeks he became my best friend. I know it is silly but I cry when I think of him. I miss him. so much what do I do? PLEASE HELP ME