I fear tonight is his last night.

I came home, and all I could see were my boys’ noses poking out of their cage. Normal rat behavior. I have two boys, Captain America and Dexter. Dexter is my old man, but he’s independent. He was never one for cuddling, but tonight is different. I picked him up and held him for awhile, and he didn’t try to push me away. He wanted to be close to me. Each time I tried to put him back because I gotta go to sleep, he’d crawl right back up to the door. His back legs don’t work anymore so it’s a struggle for him, and I feel like he wanted to spend time with me just before he left. I don’t know how much longer he’ll be here, but I gave him all the love in the world tonight. I put my PJs in his cage so I’d be there if he passed during the night. As much as I wanted to have him sleep with me in my bed, I was afraid he would try to crawl around and fall off. Here are my boys. ❤️

Captain America is my white albino, and Dexter is the brown one. Sleep in peace tonight baby.

UPDATE : Dexter is such a soldier. He’s still here with us this morning, he and I had morning coffee cuddles. I really don’t know how long he has left, seems like he’s holding on with everything he’s got.

And CA poked his head out like “what’s going on??”

UPDATE : Dexter has passed away. Thanks everyone for your support. He was laying in my bed with me, so he knew he wasn’t alone. 😔❤️