10th month Postpartum mucus plug???


Ok so I was wondering if anyone knows or experiencing the same.

I gave birth 10 months ago in May through a c section @39 weeks. Baby was huge and had absolutely no more room , I was suffering.😩 around 37ish week pregnant if I can remember, i thought I was losing my mucus plug but nope it was a bacterial yeast infection. Ok so fast forward to 39 weeks ... i was getting induced but those 3 days I stayed in hospital during inducing it did not work at all! Doctor saw how much pain I was in and that the inducing was not opening my cervix , also popes my water, she called a emergency c section. Baby came out 10 lbs exact. 🙄 big boy. That’s why I was in pain lol. He sure did leave me Tirger marks all over my stomach 😩 anyways after that they said I’d be spotting . I did but only for a couple days . Not even 2 weeks postpartum. I barley spotted at all or bleed out. I also breast fed for 4 months until breast dried up. And I never gotten my period For a good 10 months until this month for 3 days. But after my period i started have a discharge never seen before that looks exactly like a mucus plug. But during my last days of pregnancy I’ve never seen mines. I was wondering if this is the mucus plug.? It’s thick clear , brownish reddish see thru. Yuck I know but I’m really worried about what it is.... sorry for the whole birth story