Hump/lump on back 😭


I need some advice/knowledge from you all, as my doctor and I are completely stumped over this.

So, since october, my husband noticed I had a lump/hump on my back, that wasn’t there before. He didn’t mention it, because he knows how sensitive I am about how I look post partum. I started noticing it back in January, when my clothes started to fit really badly around my neck. It’s huge. Embarrassing. I look hunched over.

So, I went to the doctors about it, had an xray to see if it was my posture - nope, the top of my spine is perfect. But the doctor said I did look swollen around the area, although, there is absolutely no pain whatsoever.

I had my thyroid checked, as I’ve put lot of weight on around my belly since about August time, and I’m suffering with multiple migraines a week - nope, my thyroid levels are fine. Even my blood pressure is normal!

So I need to know - has any of you had the same? What is it? The only answer google has given me so far is ‘Cushing’s Syndrome’, and that seems a bit extreme! I’ve been fatter in the past, but I have never developed a lump/hump on my back!

Photo below - I cropped my face out due to shame :( I am actually standing perfectly upright there.

Help! 😭