VFL update!


Earlier this month I was strolling through the thrift store when I found...

I thought maybe this was our sign! I have been breastfeeding my baby alot though so I figured it wasn't my time but planned on saving this till it was time.

A week later me and babe where playing on the floor and he kept touching my belly and smiling at me. I thought this was weird but...Not really he is a baby I guess.

Yesterday I took a test because i thought I felt implantation a couple days ago. But...The line was soo faint you can't even see it on camera really. I posted in here embarssed and asked if anyone could see anything. When most replys where no, I deleted it. You can't really see it in the picture. But I just felt the need to test again...

A very real faint line this time!!! Guys... I am so over joyed but also so scared. I'm pregant!!!!!!!!!!