Anyone else????


Anyone else feel like they’re showing crazy fast / gaining much quicker with baby #2?

I started at 118 and I’m now 128 at nearly 18 weeks 😩. I know it’s too much weight to be gaining but I’m drinking lots of water daily, I try to walk every single day for 30-45 minutes. I try to eat well balanced meals (but hey we all have cheat treats) and healthy snacks as well. I have a 1 year old I’m chasing around after my 40 hours work week.

I’m feeling huge and like it’s too much weight to be carrying this soon. Especially since with my first I gained nearly no weight 1st or 3rd trimester but gained 20 in my second.. I really don’t want to gain more than I did with my first which was 26. Although it doesn’t seem so attainable at the moment 🤷‍♀️

Any tips?! Daily routines? Meals? Anyone else feeling this way?! I just feel gross 😩

Here’s a bump pic from this morning! By the end of the day this thing doubles in size I swear lol