Having a hard time getting excited.


I'm seven weeks pregnant with my second and I'm having a really hard time being happy about it. We wanted this baby and we tried for it but I just can't shake this feeling. With my daughter I loved her the moment I realized she was in my belly. I'm having a hard time even talking about this one or believing its real. Anyone know what I can do to kick this feeling? It's making me kinda depressed. I should also mention that I haven't been able to tell my mother in law yet, who I'm very close to. She moved out of state last month and I don't think it's appropriate for me to tell her over text, but she will be back next week because my sister in law is having a baby (due May 1st). I don't even want to tell her because when I told her about my first, she had the nerve to ask me if I was considering abortion. Mind you, I'm an adult with a well paying job and security just as I was then. I'm ranting. Maybe this will make me feel better to type out how I'm feeling if nothing else.