Amazing Anniversary Present


What an amazing week this has been. Three months ago yesterday (01/19/18) at our 12 week appointment my husband and I learned that our little Bean Pod's heartbeat had stopped a few days after our 8wk appt. I was scheduled later that day for a D&C; the following Monday (3 days later). Those were the hardest days of my life.

Fast forward to yesterday. We really hadn't been trying, but not preventing either...but said if it happens GREAT. Well after making sales calls with one of my Regional Sales Managers, on my way home (alone) I stopped by the dollar store for contact solution. Well, I am someone who likes to test a day or two before AF shows up just to be sure.

Well....I was in total shock at what I saw! I was okay with it being negative as it's just been 3 months. Well, instead I got a BFP!!!! All I could keep saying to myself is "Holy Shit, I'm pregnant."

Today (Friday 4/20/18), I went to my OBGYN and they sent me to the lab for blood tests. So I should have that confirmation in a few hours!!!

Our 1st wedding anniversary is this Sunday, so I am going to surprise his with this on a onesie and the positive pregnancy test!