My princess arrived!

Leslie • Mommy of 2 💙💕 Isaiah Miguel and Iliana Marie

Okay so it took me a while to write this just because I have an 18 month old and a newborn! Lol

Easter Sunday (yes also April fool's day) I went to church. I couldn't even pay attention to service I was feeling all types of pains and didn't know what it was. I was dreading the idea of going to the hospital and being sent home with false labor. So I tried to sit through it... I left the service and stood outside in the lobby with my 18 month old giving him snacks and trying to keep my mind off of it. Hubby was texting me asking if I was okay... and I said yes lol but really I wasn't. Then all of a sudden I started getting waves of pain... I could barely stand. I said time to go so I texted hubby... he and his parents exited the service hall and we drove home (35mins). We get home and I change quickly... hubby grabs the bags... and I'm like I'm starving I need food. We stopped by our favorite Vietnamese spot and I got some spicy chicken fried rice. I was so hungry I was eating through the pain... but then I couldn't take it anymore. It felt like hubby hit every single pothole in the world on this 14 min drive to the hospital. But we finally made it... got signed in to be checked!!! 2:00pm and I was 6cm dilated and a bulging sac. I was admitted! Thank God! Around 4:30 I got an epidural. It hurt! But it helped with the contractions I was having. 5:30 the doctor broke my water. I tried to rest... around 7:30 I was 8cm. At 8:00 I was 9cm. I started pushing at 8:53pm- it was the most scary intense 7 mins of my life. Baby's shoulders got stuck. Doctor was yelling to call nicu, about 4 nurses rushed in. The nurses were pushing down on my belly, holding my legs. I remember screaming and crying. Hubby was standing nearby monitoring everything. My mom started crying because I was screaming and crying! No one expected baby girl to be so big! But at 9:01pm on April 1st 2018, Iliana marie was born! 11.1 lbs 😵😵😵🤦🏻‍♀️ and 21inches long. My baby was huge! All I kept thinking was rip to my lady parts...but thank God she was here, didn't break her shoulder and I just pushed out an 11lb baby!!! Hubby was in disbelief and everyone in the room kept saying how big she was!

Big brother meeting her for first time ❤️😂

My son was 9.14 but everyone kept telling me girls were always smaller! 😒

I had a normal pregnancy. No complications and my original due date was 4/4/18! Overall so happy with the staff and birth of my babygirl! 💕

Edit: more pics ❤️

Daddy with both his babies ❤️

Thanks ladies! Your kind words have made my heart happy! ❤️❤️❤️

I keep getting asked about me and hubby and race of children.... I am Puerto Rican and hubby is Black- Trinidadian (from Trinidad and Tobago)