Why do you spank?

Lindsay 🌺

This was inspired by the other post about spanking (that must’ve gotten deleted because I can no longer find it). Someone had mentioned there are many other ways of discipline and a second commenter challenged them to name some. This had me surprised and made me wonder if there are people out there who don’t even know other methods exist. So here’s my question: WHY do you spank? Is it:

A) because you’ve tried everything else and were at your wits end to try to find something that worked? *This one I can understand. I don’t agree with it, but I can at least understand how people got here.

Or is it:

B) because you believe that is the only method of discipline/weren’t aware that there were other methods.

This isn’t meant to be a debate about if people should spank or not. That debate already took place. This is more to understand the Why behind the spanking.

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