Third hand smoke concerns


So I am due July 1st and this is our second child but we lived out of state without first. My MIL lives 4 hours north of us and when she comes to visit she stays with us. She is a heavy smoker! Obviously she will be coming to town to see her new grandbaby and I can’t deny her to stay with us as there is no other option unless she stays in a hotel. She has always been very good about washing her hands after smoking but our other son is 19 months old. I do not feel comfortable with her or anyone really staying with us or being around the baby if they are a smoker. Am I in the wrong to feel this way? When she or anyone who smokes is over and they just smoked outside that’s all I smell in my house after they come back inside... am I overreacting here or how do I go about nicely saying that I don’t want ANYONE who smokes around baby for the first month minimum.