PSA and update....Trigger Warning....story included to help others.. it's possible girls!!! faint line @ 6 weeks


I got a faint but positive line today at 2 weeks late.... because of light bleeding and tests going negative after I got one positive (boy it was either a pink indent on frer or I was seeing things) that I had a chemical pregnancy and was having permanently positive opks......This morning I took one last test and faint obvious line. nothing like what we all saw on mine before during the the...... have not had bloods yet and probably couldn't turn a digital positive, however ladies..... trust your gut if regular for YOU Af doesn't show .... wait until two weeks late or longer then test again. My 4ww.....I guess. no pic included because it's obvious and after 6.5 years I know what the difference is between this morning test and all the indents I've ever seen.