Positive of Neg?


I took a test a day before my period is suppose to start I believe (Just morning) i think it’s this faint line you can barely barley see it but I’m really scared and I can’t be pregnant rn I don’t wanna anyways was this too early ? I’m gonna take another next week but a few days ago (days after I had sex) I threw up off a pizza I ate the night before later on that day I threw up again this time without eating I slept that whole day with a little cramps a few times since then my stomach has been making growling noises not dramatic moving (only happen like for a few minutes 2 or 1 time out the day ) there has been no spotting barley no sighs of pregnancy but the ones I discuss and as I was scrolling on social media I seen lots of baby post or anything dealing withneed answers ???is this too early or sum I really don’t wanna be pregnant sorry 🤢