Progesterone/low HCG success stories needed!


I am exactly 6 weeks pregnant today. I have had my blood drawn every three days and it has been doubling except for this last draw it went from 1990 to 2600. My progesterone started at a 9, went to a 12, then dropped to 6.4!

I had two episodes of bleeding. Heavy, red blood for an hour three days apart. At the end of each of these hours i passed a clot then all bleeding stopped immediately and i haven’t seen blood again. I should add, the bleeding happened prior to my last two HCG checks so I know I haven’t miscarried... yet.

My doctor wants to see my Monday and she doesn’t think things are looking good. I start 200mg progesterone today just in case.

Are there any success stories out there of people with low progesterone, not quite doubling hcg and some weird bleeding?? I need some hope to get through this weekend!