Partum Depression?

Brooklynn • 23, married, mom to 2 wonderful boys, Mason and Tristan, and a 3rd boy is due July 9th, 2020.

I feel absolutely ashamed posting this but I don't know who else to ask (I plan on asking my Dr about it at my next appointment on 4/26). I seem to do nothing but cry. everything makes me cry and I have the worst thoughts. I just absolutely do NOT want to have another baby and I don't want a baby shower, any gifts, the baby kicks, etc. I have a perfectly happy, healthy almost 2 year old. I'm very aware that I should count my blessings to be pregnant at all and in a way I am thankful (I've had 2 miscarriages, so this is my 4th pregnancy). I just cannot shake this feeling or the thoughts and it's starting to affect my everyday life. I thought that maybe if I gave my son a name that would make me feel closer to him and maybe make it better but it hasn't really. I just feel like I have to be close to this person that I don't know and don't want to know. I don't know how to make this better. has anyone else experienced this before? I don't know what I should do. :'(