Bad break up..

I was with someone for almost 5 yr was about to get married, but he only ask mi becuz he knew that what i wanted.. in those years i was with him, i was very un happy not becuz he did mi wrong, just that i couldn't do anything with out his permission. I felt like a child. He was a very gr8 man and never cheated, and the love he had towards mi made me stay longer.. i could just see it. I always thought god would punish me if I left him.. i talk to him all the time about how i feel and everything last yr i left him for 5 months and when we got back together we was the best of the best of the yrs we had. But it was too late. He still didn't let mi do anything. I had to wait till he get home. Cant see my mom or sister or anyone w/o him and he comes home super late. Living with my mom was more freedom then him. I told him many time i didn't love him and i still stay... He didn't want any kid he told mi to waited more. Im getting old and jealous of every mother out there. finally i left him and got with another man now pregnant.. is it wrong for mi to call him to check how he doing? i feel ashamed how i got with this new man and got pregnant so fast.. knowing he still hurt.. i just want to see how he been. It was 5 yrs of my life and i care about him alot.. okay im done..