Any out of the box suggestions?

Sabrina • FTM, Baby Boy due January 15, 2019. 👶🏻💙

My husband and I have been TTC for 8 months (I’m 29 and he’s 31). I’ve read every book, every statistic, have been charting everyyything, and use an OPK. We’ve rotated cycles trying every day and every other day. We’re waiting to see a doctor until we’ve been trying for a full year but at this point I’m interested in anything whether that’s old wives’ tales/superstitions/black magic (ok not really black magic lol). I’ll be ovulating in about a week and I guess I’m just looking for something else I can do. I’m usually an advocate for all things science and peer reviewed studies but now I’m willing to get creative. 😝🔮✨

Part of what prompted this is I got a double yolk egg this morning and my dad got one two days ago in another state (and neither of us had ever gotten one before). Allegedly, folklore relates this to fertility and/or foreshadows pregnancy/twins. So on that note I’m 🙏🏼🙏🏼 for some good news soon!

Edited to add: I was on the pill for about 10 years and have been off it for almost a year and a half now. My cycles are regular and I get allll the normal symptoms throughout my cycle now. I’ve been with my hubs for almost 11 years and never had a pregnancy but I was also perfect with my pill taking and we even used condoms a lot too to be safe.