Just a quick birth story!


So I’m finally getting around to this since she’s currently asleep on my chest and I don’t feel like getting up...

At 39 weeks and 6 days, 6:45am on February 18, I started feeling contractions. At around 10pm, I was admitted into L&D; at just 3cm. At one point, her heart rate dropped significantly so they had to break my bag of waters and stick all kinds of monitors up there. 😩 I was at a 4 at the time but I ended up getting an epidural, falling asleep and waking up at a 9! Olivia Rose was born at 9:21pm. She weighed 7lbs 11oz and she was 20in long. She did have to spend about an hour in the NICU because she was having a hard time adjusting to breathing so they had to monitor her. Just a few hiccups during and after labor but she’s a super healthy and happy baby now! 😊

The first picture was taken as soon as she got out of the NICU, the second was taken at 2 weeks, and the third one is from the other day! This little girl is 2 months old now and I love her to the moon and back. 💞