Help please


Okay so I started my period in January 10 thru 15 with the help of pills that my doctor gave me. She also gave me Clomiphene (she also told me to take those on the 5th day of my period and have sex after that. Didn’t work out to well cause of my moods). Then I started again in February 10 thru 15 but this time on my own. Then I started in March 18 thru the 23rd. I haven’t had my period since then. I thought I would start it again on the 18th of April but it’s now the 20th. I took 2 pregnancy test yesterday both came out negative. According to this app my ovulation day was the 12th Of April. We baby danced a day before and the 12th. I didn’t check if I was ovulating but we still did it. So my question is should I wait another day or two to test again? Or what should I do. Before I’ve taken ovulation test but they came out negative. Any advice would be highly appreciated